Monday, May 9, 2011

Future and Recently released movies

As many of you Marvel fan boys or fan girls should know is that their newest movie came out Thor and all it's glory starring:
Chris Hemsworth as Thor
Natile Portman as Jane Foster
Stellen Skarsgard as Erik Selvig
and many more.
If you'd like to talk more about Thor please vote to be heard because like they say even though majority rules minority is still heard

But on to the next and this one is a upcoming and heavily awaited... Hangover II where the gang is back and on another adventure after losing their memory to another one hell of a drug fueled night. This time they are to wake up in Bangkok, Thailand.

As I said about the Thor movie if you'd like to here more about Hanger II and many more movies that are to come please vote on the right column.

P.S. sorries about the domain name elitist was taken and and I took eletist as the domain name and yes the.

What to expect on this blog

Overall this is a blog where we get the general census of what people want to talk about in a general field, but are going to focus heavily on the movie portion.

I will be updating and talking often about the acting community, production time til movies debut, what everyone thinks of a certain movie or movies, movies I've personally watched and thought of.
Long story short it's going to be an entendre of Super Happy Fun of movie blogs and information.

So jump on the fan and follow me for some great fun.

The Omish Rifle